Solar/Wind Installation Questions

If you are considering getting solar or wind generation, here are some questions you will want to ask before starting your project with a vendor.

  • How many systems have you installed in the area?  (state, county, local)
  • What will the total cost be from start to finish, including design, permits and construction?
  • Who is the panel manufacturer?
  • What is kW (DC) rating per panel?
  • What parts are covered by warranties?
  • What is required of the owner to keep the warranties in force?
  • What actions or inactions will void the warranties?
  • Can the system be modified in the future without affecting the warranties?
  • How much will it cost to temporarily remove the system if roof work is needed in the future?
  • Does the bid include the AC electrical work?
  • Does the system meet the rapid shutdown code requirements, NEC 690.12?
  • Who is the battery manufacturer(if applicable) and what are the model and serial numbers? *
  • What is the battery system kW and usable kWh (if applicable)? *
  • What is the warranty for the battery system? *
  • What is required of the owner to keep the battery warranty? *
  • What actions or inactions will void the battery warranty? *
  • How are the batteries disposed of at the end of their life? *
  • Who will be responsible for getting the necessary permits?
  • Are the permits costs included in the contract price?
  • Are there any applicable state and federal tax credits or other available incentives?
  • What are the expected annual operation and maintenance costs?
  • What is the expected annual and lifetime energy generation based on the home’s orientation, shade, and estimated costs and savings?
  • What portion of my energy consumption will be offset by the generation from the solar PV system?
  • What purchase and financing options are available?

* Suggested if system also involves a battery storage component

For a directory of available solar installers, view Nebraskans for Solar. (Note: we do not endorse any of these providers.)